Above the Ordinary

a mountain bike photo blog

2014? Five reasons why

To my dear followers,

I am very sorry that I haven’t filled you in at all in what happened in 2014. Well, last year was different – amazingly exciting but also slightly frustrating – but let’s turn back in time a litle bit…
2013 was an amazing year! After the summer I took some time off again and could really enjoy doing what I love the most – mountain biking! :D Last year (2014) was different. Here are the “Five main reasons why I did not post anything on trickytrails.com”

Ouch Number One in April 2014

Just in time for the new season, when all the snow was gone and temperatures started to rise again, I twisted my right knee when I crashed on a very “flowy” trail I hadn’t ridden for a long time. Due to some tiny fractures in my knee (lower femur) and a bone bruise, I had to put my bike into the garage for a couple of weeks. In the meantime….

…We bought a house

Yes, a house! A real one! Ours! On the hill, with a big garden, a scenic view and lots of space for all the bike stuff! :D The best thing is that it’s located very close to the Schöckl, my “home-mountain”, which offers lots of different single tracks and two technically challenging downhill courses. Living in the nature is what we always wanted! Finally our dream has come true! :)

Home sweet home!

Home sweet home!

View from our garden

View from our garden.

Already three.... :D

There were three of us already.


Of course there’s always two sides of a story. Since we had sold our apartment already, time was short to get things done as planned, which means a lot of work for me and Katja, who – by the way – was expecting our baby boy! You see, it was a very turbulent but wonderful time! :)

By the beginning of July we could finally move in. In fact there was still a lot of renovation work to be done, but things started to run smoother these days (except for one night I had to spend at the hospital because my spine revolted against the overstress). That means more time for riding my bike again! But as it turned out, this summer should be…

…the rainiest summer ever!

From July until the end of September we only had one(!) week end without any precipitation at all! It was the wettest summer we’ve ever had in Austria since I care about the weather at all. Rain 2014

For sure I did go riding despite the bad weather, but I was always limited to the local trails and could not do lots of the alpine stuff I like the most. I even had to cancel two bike trips I had planned together with Horst last year. No biking holidays at all! It was frustrating! :( The frustration immediately vanished by mid of September when…

…our son Simon was born!

You probably all know the feeling when you are holding a brand new bike frame in your hands, excited to start building it up. To be honest, that’s nothing compared to holding you own child in your arms for the first (and probably the next 1 million) times! From now on I was in “dad-mode”, day and night. Nothing could keep me from spending time with my own small family – watching him how he examines his own body, makes weird sounds and curiously follows what’s happening around him.

Ich und Daniel mit unseren Kindern

Me and Daniel with our kids


Katja pulling Simon up the hill

Needless to say that someone still needs his time off to clear his mind… ;) So one day, it was the 17th of October, I decided to take the gondola up to the Schöckl in order to save time and push the limits on the local DH track with two of my friends. As soon as we entered the DH course it started to rain, again… At this point I have to add that the Schöckl-DH is a beast. Some of its sections are incredibly steep and techically challenging. Normally you don’t ride there when it is raining or even when it’s wet. If you do so anyway, you might end up with…

…a broken hand

or more detailed: a broken ell and a smashed radius. What followed was a see-saw of “surgery, yes or no?”. Finally doctors decided to stick to the conservative therapy without surgery, meaning five months without being allowed to ride my bike. And that was the end of 2014 – still one of the greatest years I’ve ever had, but not really compatible with this blog *g*

…BUT NOW I AM BACK! “Hello, 2015!” :)

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  1. Korn Thu, 18. Jun 2015

    Diese Ausreden kann man gelten lassen ;)

  2. Michael Wed, 20. May 2015

    Bat wer is ze Blog-Entri for se Tschörmen Pipl?

    Scherzerl: Das nenne ich mal fünf wirklich gute Gründe für eine lange Abwesenheit, wobei ein Grund ja besonders hervorsticht! Wünsch dir in diesem Jahr auf jeden Fall deutlich weniger Verletzungspech.

    PS: Liebe Grüße von deiner Oma :-) .

  3. Andy Sun, 10. May 2015

    Hab immer schon immer wieder mal hier reingeschaut, weil die Einträge super geschrieben sind und die Fotos oft einfach nur geil ;)
    Hab schon gedacht du hast die Seite jetzt wegen zuviel Stress aufgegeben. Schön dass es aber doch nicht so ist. Coole Zusammengassung von 2014!


  4. Horst Fri, 08. May 2015

    Ich wollt dich eh schon fragen wann endlich dein “5 Gründe” Blogeintrag kommt! ;-)
    Liebe Grüße aus dem Norden! :-)

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